
What does Citrix, VMware, Datacore, Barracuda, Trendmicro, F5, Dell, Cisco and Microsoft have in common

Stay tuned......... because I know!!!  (2Monthslater) I just used teleportation to edit this post using failover in a virtualized HA improving Scalability.

It's  V12N some would say it's the same as the cloud some would disagree but whatever the case it's Awesome!  Behind the scenes at your job there is a man or woman who you should be treated as if they used the egg and sperm to create you. Yes I give that much respect to anyone who enables you to log on and do business or what I used to see while working at Earthlink many moons ago stay socially connected.  While the suits and worker bees make deals and closings the people behind the keystrokes and phone calls yes those phone calls you make are connected to a switch, router, satellite, cell tower etc are maintained by unseen people who are very smart.

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