
BravoTV show Startups Silicon Valley is Inspiring and Out There

The Bay Area is unique and you can tell this by the people, culture, environment and vibe.  Some call San Francisco the city by the bay, Frisco, San Fran or some of those who live outside the city boundaries The City.  The whole area including many cities above Monterrey is proudly referred to as The Bay Area.  Well the bay area has a unique part of it known as Silicon Valley and BravoTv has a new show called Startups Silicon Valley which gives potential bloggers, entrepreneurs, techies, and anyone who inspires to make a living in the tech field like me hope that soon our ideas will see success before our light of hope dimmers.

Startups Silicon Valley caught my attention while I flipped channels taking notice of the college FB game scores even pausing to watch the gators homecoming win scoring twice within 90 seconds.  I was transfixed listening to their biographies and grinned when I realized some of the people in Silicon Valley are not native but out of towners who have moved there to achieve their ideas.  The Bay Area is unique and you can tell this by the people, culture, environment and vibe.  I'm hoping that they highlight some of the culture that the bay has to offer like the style of the people because unlike NY the look is more casual and the food is as diverse as the people.  I wonder if true native Norcal natives will get annoyed of out of towners moving in raising property values, snubbing the less fortunate, being cliquey, driving slow on the freeway with a suped up sports car and flaunting their wealth.

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